Monday, August 15, 2011

Blogs as current phenomenon & benefits of blogging to the community

The usage of blogs has been expanding since early 1999, said Blood(2000). More than 133 million blogs have been indexed by Technorati as of 2009 (Aman 2011). According to Ali(2011) in interviewing some of the Middle East bloggers, it is said that bloggers roles has switched to being news-makers instead of commentary providers and that writing tends to result in action from the readers. Besides that, Blogging helps provide emotional depth and the blogosphere helps fill a cultural need (Ali 2011).

In Asia however, blogging is widely using for earning an income. Income is one of the benefits of blogging. There are many who blog for a living. Nuffnang is the first and leading blog advertising community in Asia-Pacific (Nuffnang 2011). After one inserts an advertisement into their blog, based on number of readers or number of clicks, income will gradually generate. Below are the top 10 earning blogs.

Image obtained from

According to Gaman(2007), 28% blogs about personal experiences, 16% blogs about politics and the other 16% blogs about technology as of the Top 50 Malaysian Bloggers. Many can learn through blogging as personal experiences range from a skill to a vacation. Hence the benefits of these blogs is that they can provide information cultural wise and globally towards the community without having to know each and everyone. Political blogs are very effective especially in both Iran and Malaysia as comparing with a physical newspaper; blogs are the quickest and most in-depth form of where you can get information regarding any political issues.


1. Ali, A. (Monday 31st January 2011). Giving Birth to the Middle East’s Blogosphere, [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 15 August 2011].

2. Aman. (2011). Content, Power and Responsibility… Statistics. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 15 August 2011].

3. Blood. R., (2000). Weblogs: History and Perspective, [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 15 August 2011].

4. Dunlop. M., (2009). 30 Blog's That Make A Lot of Money Online. [Electronic Table] Available from: [Accessed 15 August 2011].

5. Gaman. (2007). 50 Most Influential Blogs in Malaysia, [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 15 August 2011].

6. Nuffnang. (2011). Our Story, [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 15 August 2011].

1 comment:

  1. Very informative and concisely written. Overall, blogosphere & new publishing form postings will need some new media concepts to be applied. However, good work!
